award, NaBloPoMo, November, travel, travel blogging awards, travel blogs
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One Lovely Blog Award

This morning I noticed that I was nominated for another blog award, the One Lovely Blog Award by Sandy from That Daily Fix of Happiness. Please check out her beautiful blog, it’s a total gem. Thank you sweet Sandy 🙂

The Rules

  1. You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  2. You must list the rules and display the award.
  3. You must add 7 facts about yourself.
  4. You must nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated
  5. You must display the award logo.

I had to look at my 11 Facts from the previous Liebster Award to make sure I’m not repeating myself. So here are my new 7 Facts About Myself:

  1. This morning, I had a chocolate chip cookie.
  2. People are usually quiet surprised to find out that I’m actually a pretty funny person.
  3. My first language learned was Serbo-Croatian & I know how to read and write both alphabets, Latin & Cyrillic
  4. My 2nd language, which I’m also fluent in, is English
  5. …followed by Italian, French & Greek which I’m definitely not fluent in
  6. I am really excited about visiting Italy again next year
  7. I am 5’7″ or 1.70m

I nominate:

  1. lesvoyagesdumonde
  2. skywardeyes
  3. carlyandhercamera
  4. youngtravelbug
  5. cookingwithawallflower
  6. thelonepanda
  7. traveluxblog
  8. asthaguptaa
  9. susanbrandt-writer
  10. tantoverde
  11. alittlethingcalledwanderlust
  12. rosesontheroad
  13. wonderlustr
  14. travelcouple101
  15. whidbeyislandgirl

Let’s continue to pass the love around! 😀


  1. Pingback: Postcards from Cyprus | 100 Days of Sunshine

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